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  • 2 May 2024 12:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    April snow flurries bring May competitors from across Canada to our hometown for the North American Invitational Taekwon-Do Championships!
    Yeah, we'll work on that later...


    16 Days and Counting

    Welcome and good luck to all the 300+ competitors. Don't be shy, take pictures of you and your achievements and old and new friends, just don't forget to tag us on your socials of choice!

    We are also still in need of volunteers, the sign-up sheet will be in the dojang, please lend a hand so we can have a smooth running, enjoyable event and be able to show our visitors the amazing hospitality that we're known for.

    Mini-Tournament and Equipment Check

    We are planning to host a mini-tournament that will be at the dojang but the date and time are yet to be determined. For those who are maybe interested in participating, there will be a $5 fee which goes towards renting time for our facility. West Zone and Buffalo Plains will of course be invited as well. Invite friends and family to come watch, if any become interested in joining there will be plenty of members that can provide them with information and answer any questions that they may have.

    We encourage our younger students to come take part as it'll be a good opportunity to build comfortability/confidence and to get an idea of what to expect for their next tournament, especially if it'll be their first. For the more senior belts, this is a great opportunity for you to develop your judging and coaching skills. We would also like to use this time to check student's equipment and replace if necessary. 

    Raffle and Chocolates

    28 days until the end of the 50/50 raffle with the pot currently at just about $1700, that's a winning of $850! Go click that button below to get more tickets and share with everyone that you know.

    We have a few more boxes of chocolates left, come pick some up and spread the sweetness (or keep it all to yourself, no judgement).

    50/50 Raffle
  • 11 Apr 2024 8:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Spring is in Session

    For those intending to continue training and have not done so already, please send in your fees for the new session as soon as possible, deadline will be next Thursday, April 18th. Payments can be sent to or cash/cheque at the do-jang.

    Supporting is Sweet

    We've got a bit of a sweeter fundraiser for you all. Consider purchasing one or more boxes of chocolates to sell to co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors.

    Boxes are available at the do-jang, look for Ryan Dusyk (or any other board member laying around) and he'll gladly help you out. The cost of a single box is $90, and there are 30 x $3 chocolates (variety) in each box. You can bring cash or cheque, or e-transfer work too - then you simply collect the money from your sales.

    This fundraiser is important for our club, and it needs your participation to be successful! Please come in to say hello, we hope to see each family sell a box!

    Our 50/50 is also still running with the pot steadily growing, continuing up until we either reach $5000 or until May 30th, so go get your "tickets" for your chance at potentially a max prize of $2500!

    RSZTKD Raffle

    ITF North American Invitational

    The next tournament is only a few weeks away, go get registered now and proudly represent our club and province! The tournament will be here at home at the Fieldhouse on May 18th and 19th. We are always in need of volunteers, pop into the do-jang and sign up on the sheet at the counter.

    Full Details Here

    Celebrate Achievements

    Congratulations to our very own, one and only, Mrs. Chelsea Mazzei for becoming a hall of famer that she has also been to us from the beginning. Be sure to express your pride the next time you see her (a hug wouldn't hurt either).

    Read More Here

  • 18 Mar 2024 7:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Congratulations to all competitors who attended the Provincials Tournament in PA. And a big congrats and thank you to PA on hosting their first-ever event which was very successful and well ran. Next up is the North American Invitational!


    50/50 Fundraiser

    As some of you may have noticed at the Board Break and Demos event, we are running a 50/50 fundraiser. This will run until either we reach $5000 or May 30th, which means potentially a max prize of $2500! A great incentive for those thinking of going to Worlds this year in Argentina in October! Go here >><< to get your "tickets".


    Colour belt testing is coming up real quick, March 26th, dust off your manuals and head over to the Student Resources page to start studying and practicing. You may have to ask your parents to login for you as the page is members only access.

    ITF North American Invitational

    Who hosts the most amazing tournaments? We obviously do and we ain’t stopping. The NA Invitational Taekwon-Do Championships will be here on May 18th and 19th at the Fieldhouse. Get registered sooner than later.

    Board Breaking & Demos

    This past weekend we had another very fun and successful event and a huge pleasure to share the day with Regina West Zone. Photos will eventually make their way on to the website.

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